Scheduling & Registration
Can't wait to see you
To schedule a session or register for a class,
please contact us directly
or fill out the form below.

Contact us Directly
What should I wear?
Dress in comfortable clothing that you can move easily in. All sessions are conducted while you remain fully clothed. It is recommeded that you dress in layers to adjust for your own personal comfort during Awareness Through Movement classes or private Functional Integration sessions.
How long are classes and private sessions?
Classes and private sessions are each approximately one hour in length.
What can I expect from a class or private session?
This tends to vary with the individual. Generally, you can expect to feel relaxed with more ease in your movements. You may feel you've gained improved posture, are more stable on your feet, have a sense of better balance, experience less pain, and/or be more aware of yourself in space.
Reduce Pain
Improve Performance
Speed Recovery